I went to Kenya to see how China is using soft power to convince people to like it; Malaysia to wade through a mountain of trash and find out how China upended the world’s recycling; Taiwan to attend Pride and learn how it became the most LGBT-friendly country in Asia; Palau to see how a tiny island nation is standing up to the rest of the world; Singapore to learn about the economic case for open borders; the Amazon rainforest in Brazil to follow archeologists who unearthed ancient civilizations; and Spain to discover new wines for a warmer world. I reported a story about Brazil's audacious plan to fight poverty with neuroscience. I went to Pakistan to cover the drone war and report on how drone missile pieces are linked back to manufacturers in the U.S. I traveled to Palau to see how climate change is destroying paradise. I’ve also written about what it's like being an American tourist in North Korea.

I also covered the U.S. for many years: the junk science law in Texas, FDA-approved medical devices that ruined women's livesthe legalization of marijuana in Coloradothe drought in California, biobanking, the 2014 midterms elections in Louisiana and Kansas, how scrap metal thieves put the public in danger, why biologic drugs are so expensive in the US, the pension crisis, how drones are coming to a sky near you, “friendly” fracking, the Affordable Care Act, student hackers, undocumented students, paying for miles driven instead of a gas tax, and Jimmy Carter’s grandson. In California, I joined a deep sea exploration with scientists trying to protect marine sanctuaries from oil exploration, and saw the beauty of jellyfish.

I created a three-part series that followed chefs and scientists as they reimagine food with our senses, and staples like bread and shrimp. I've spent time with lexicographers and font designers, and once worked with Lady Gaga.